Another sex trade propaganda project from Leicester University

Professor Teela Sanders, who was behind the Leicester ‘student sex work toolkit’ is leading a new publicly funded project “to examine how websites which promote and/or facilitate sex work can address sexual exploitation”. In this article we argue that these websites are corporate pimps and need closing down – not legitimising by misguided “research”. Read More

‘Sex work’ advocates and the Nazi propaganda playbook

Last month Nordic Model Now! was asked to participate in a University of Exeter student debate on the proposition that “This house believes that sex work is real work.” As a group, we are ambivalent about taking part in such debates. On the one hand, they are seldom a conducive forum for understanding nuanced and complex issues – but on the other hand, if we don’t participate there is a risk that the audience won’t hear the feminist analysis of prostitution. No one else in the group was able to take part that night, so reluctantly I agreed. Read More